Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My First diapers

So being new to this whole cloth diapering thing I decided for my first diapers I would buy a couple pocket diapers. I decided to go for some pretty low cost ones because didn't know if I would like the style and I figured it would be worth it to just see if would like using pockets. Well the big day arrived and my cheap china pocket diapers arrived. I was so so so excited to get my hands on them. I get them open and try them on my potty training 2 year old and was pleased with the fit. so then I take it off and call my sister. She has been cloth diapering for 2 years now. and told her I got them and asked her if she would prep them when she did her next few loads of diapers. Well the day she washed them she calls me and says the covers completely delaminated in the first wash. Deep dark sadness ensued.

The Good News. Since this happened we found a local SAHM who makes cloth diapers. We were able to meet with her and see her diapers before buying. Now I am having her make me some custom diapers for my baby due in Dec.

Friday, July 6, 2012

A first step!

So my adventure into cloth diapering started about 3 years ago when I was expecting #3. My sister, who was due at the same time had made the decision to go cloth. I thought, "Are you crazy?" Then I started looking into them and thought wow maybe I could do this. So I talked to my husband, who incidentally does most of our laundry, said no. Now as I am preparing to have #4, I brought up the subject again, Gave him all the pros and committed to be the designated poopy remover. He finally agreed. So here we embark an a new experience. As I have been studying the process, I have been trying to figure out what style of diaper would suit my family. I had initially settled on the thought of fitted diapers with covers. I had mad that choice based mostly on the fact that I wanted to be able to reuse the cover all day as often as possible. I now am leaning toward pocket and All in 2s because of the flexibility for absorbancy and because it is easier to get a one size in these styles. I have ordered a set of pockets off of ebay and am waiting for them to arrive. I am so excited to get them and start my stash. They are a low cost option from china I chose to go with to see how I feel about the pocket style in person. I am drooling over a large number of American made brands and researching do find what will work best in the beginning. If anyone has any suggestions as to where to start for newborns I would be happy to hear them. Thank You for taking the time to read about my new adventure and for the advice if offered.